Machine Sentry® can collect and collate “Watch Keeping” (manually collected) process data from the assets around your plant. “Watch Keeping” data is easily entered via the mobile device and stored in the master database with other data from the asset.
Machine Sentry® offers a truly flexible method of collecting data around a facility.
We can supply data collection devices that are suitable for use in hazardous areas as well as general purpose equipment.
Maintenance routes can be simply created, scheduled and amended. RFID or Barcode asset identification is integrated within the software (device dependent) minimising the possibility of operator error.
Custom routes using user defines filters are easily created. Unlike some other systems, Machine Sentry® routes do not need to be pre-configured prior to use; routes can be easily configured via the software.
The software stores a complete copy of the database allowing off route and ad-hoc measurements to be taken as required.